Introducing Qanda

Data Collection Using Interviews

Dear community, We're excited to introduce Qanda, a game-changer for UX designers, researchers, and teams striving for unparalleled efficiency and precision in their work. Say goodbye to manual transcriptions and synthesis headaches, and embrace a new era of streamlined, collaborative, and AI-powered research.

Actionable Insights at Your Fingertips

Qanda is more than just a tool; it's your partner in extracting quick UX research insights. No more time wasted on synthesis – with Qanda, you can focus on actual design, confident that you have instant, actionable insights to propel your projects forward.

Transcriptions That Redefine Precision

Experience the pinnacle of precision and reliability with our audio transcription services. Bid farewell to tedious manual transcriptions as our cutting-edge audio-to-text technology ensures accurate and reliable transcriptions for all your qualitative research needs. Qanda speaks your language – literally. Transcribe content effortlessly in over 72 languages, handling linguistic diversity with ease. Our service ensures precision and clarity, breaking down language barriers in your research.

Build Your Research Foundation

Qanda is not just a tool; it's your team's research repository. Collaboratively build a robust foundation with user-generated evidence, facilitated by collaborative tagging and clustering. Back your research with real-world evidence and make informed decisions. Our editor is an all-in-one research hub, allowing you to explore interviews with your entire team or clients. Foster teamwork and make decisions based on shared insights. Source tracking with tags ensures you always find the origin of your claims. Ready to upgrade your team's research efforts? Sign up today and embark on a journey of enhanced collaboration, data synthesis, and informed decision-making. Qanda is not just a tool; it's a catalyst for elevating your design process.

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